Many people dream of basketball careers, but genetics tend to get in the way – how many people do you know are over six feet tall? And, here’s the thing about professional basketball, if someone is 6’2”, that is the only walk of life where they are considered short. So, if you are someone who is 5’8” on a good day, then it is probably not too much of a stretch to say that your dreams of hardwood glory ended your senior year of high school. Now, here’s the good news, just because your athletic career in basketball ceased doesn’t mean that it’s necessarily the end of your professional career in the sport. There are many basketball job opportunities where you can give back to the game that has been so good to you.
The first thing to look at when you decide to get involved in basketball is the different organizations that support the sport. Of course, there is the NBA and its affiliates such as the WNBA, but there is also the NCAA, AAU, and 50 different state high school sports associations. In fact, one of the ways that you can move up to the NBA is by starting your career in a high school sports association. If you are someone who has an ability to organize big events, then perhaps hosting state finals is something that would peak your interest. In big states like California and Florida, these events go on for several days, and by successfully off these events smoothly and efficiently will get you noticed by the bigger fish in the basketball pond. As your work on the smaller stages gets seen, you make contact with people on more major stages, and as you build your network, ultimately you become a go-to person and can move to different leagues and even all the way to the Association.
There are other jobs in these athletic associations as well. One of the big ones is compliance. Sadly, there is a lot of money in youth sports, so there is also an equal number of nefarious misdeeds. To that end, the problem is that people are using young people to line their wallets, and that’s not right. As someone who works with a state association, your job is making sure that all programs adhere to the different regulations. That ensures a fair playing field. One of the wonderful things about basketball is that it’s a team game, and when you work in these associations many times you are working with people who share your sense of purpose and love of the match. Being team minded is vital for any organization.
In that same vein, many other support organizations are involved with basketball. But let’s take a look at one of the most prominent – shoe companies. Of course, the big ones are Nike, Adidas, Reebok, and Under Armour. These brands are the most major ones in the market, and they are always looking for talent. Let’s say you weren’t much of a basketball player, but your engineering skills are impressive, then you could be a shoe designer. There’s a lot that goes into this job. You must understand how these athletes land and how the shoe can support them. Also, a biology degree is useful. People with a biology degree understand how the body works and can develop the right types of equipment that save a player’s knees and feet. Those body parts are worth millions of dollars, so it is imperative that companies are always on the lookout for how to keep players healthy.
You don’t need to be a shoe designer to be valuable to these companies though. If you are an artist, your keen eye will help you design the next great pair of shoes or even uniforms. Uniform contracts with the NBA and other organizations are always changing every few years. Therefore, if you can design great looking uniforms, then you will have a profound influence not only on the game but the fashion of the game. In many ways, this is more of an impact than most players have. Think about some of the all-time great NBA logos; someone had to design them – why can’t you develop the next great logo?
Another area in which you can leave your mark on the game of basketball is with the players themselves. To be a professional basketball player, you require a team of people that can help you get the most out of your talent. Most players have their staff which includes agents, PR people, masseuses, and even personal chefs. For a player, success is all about preparation – look at LeBron. He’s a naturally gifted athlete, but he has put a team in place that helps him remain in optimal shape over the years and has a team that ensures that he gets the most out of his different contracts. Now, not all players are big like LeBron and require a large staff, but if you are looking to get started in this industry, how you handle the lower-level players makes a significant impact. If you can help these players maximize their value, then you have immense value – regardless of what you do. The other thing to consider is these players have a finite amount of time to earn their money – generally, it is only a couple years. Most players in the NBA do not have long careers, and, for some, they have to travel the world to make a living. If you are an able negotiator or can help a player manage their life, then you are providing an invaluable service for people who put their bodies on the line every night to entertain fans just like you.
The reality is the basketball jobs profiled just scratch the surface with what is available in basketball. Having a great imagination and a dogged work ethic will get you in the game and keep you there long after generations of players have come and gone.