Why Repairs Require a Commercial Foundation Contractor in Washington, DC

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Water Proofing

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Damage to a foundation, however slight it may appear, compromises the integrity, stability, and safety of a structure. An over-the-counter epoxy or sealant will fill a crack but not solve the problem. An experienced commercial foundation contractor in Washington DC will have technicians who can evaluate the root cause of the issue, recommend repair options, and secure the foundation.

Possible Causes

Imperfect soil conditions can cause foundations to shift, crack, or begin to crumble. Soil that retains too much water, is eroding, or starts shifting will eventually create a few problems for the structure. Excess moisture and erosion allow water to penetrate the porous concrete, and the pressure of shifting will cause cracks and crumbling.

Tree roots will also add pressure to a foundation. New trees can be installed using methods to direct the growth of roots in specific directions. This was not the case with older trees and large roots will continue to grow, leaving dents or holes in the foundation.

Improper drainage around the foundation is another cause of problems. This can come from above the ground in the case of a malfunctioning gutter system or from underground via leaks in pipes under the slab. The ground becomes saturated and the water wears away the concrete to make small cracks that become larger when not noticed.

Multiple Repair Methods

There are a variety of repair methods used by a commercial foundation contractor in Washington DC to accommodate the severity of any foundation issue. Reinforcement of walls can be accomplished with steel beams, carbon fiber materials, and internal hollow blocks. A foundation wall can be rebuilt if necessary, and pressure can be relieved with a hydrostatic system.

Supports and repairs can be applied to footers through underpinning and push pier methods. Excavation and sealing with vertical foundation wall overlays are used to repair extensive damage. Repairs can be costly but will save the structure and restore safety. Some companies, such as Business Name, offer one-hundred-percent financing to allow repairs to commence immediately.

Services are available for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings and also include preventative waterproofing and mold damage repairs. If issues are suspected, call for a free inspection to determine the exact cause. Consider waterproofing to be proactive and avoid foundation repair costs.

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