Why Ground Burial Is a Tradition for Some People

by | Sep 30, 2015 | Funeral services

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Even the earliest written history tells stories of humans burying their dead, usually accompanied by ceremonies. Despite the fact that many people choose cremation, some groups still insist on some form of Ground Burial. As a result, businesses such as Crown Hill Funeral Home and Cemetery have become very good at creating custom services and burial arrangements for every need.

Families May Have Private Burial Spaces

Many families always choose Ground Burial because they own their own plots. It is common for residents of older towns to buy cemetery spaces where generations of descendants can be buried together. As a result, visitors can often trace entire generations when visiting burial grounds. It is also common for wealthier families to build above-ground private mausoleums which are often very elaborate and beautiful. As generations die, they are placed in the locked, dry buildings. These above-ground burials are often chosen by those who want a beautiful, dry place where they can visit and pay tribute.

Some Religions Require Burial

Many faiths require that their dead are buried, often within 24 hours after death. Some, like Islam, forbid preserving or disturbing bodies. Believers hold prayer and funeral rituals and bury bodies very quickly. Sacred burial is very important to many Christians, who feel that it is important to rest in grounds that have been blessed. The Jewish faith not only forbids cremation but also includes very specific teachings about how coffins should be prepared. Ground burials are often considered symbols of bodies returning to the earth and mourners either toss soil into graves.

Burial Can Be Comforting to Mourners

Many funeral home clients choose traditional burial programs when they want beautiful visitation areas. Cemeteries are often beautifully landscaped and include trees, walkways, and benches. For some, it is important that they have a space where friends and family can gather, place decorations and bring flowers. Cemetery plots, headstones, and even statues often help survivors make peace with their loss and keep a sense of connection.

Although funeral homes offer many types of arrangements, millions of people still choose traditional ground burials. That is often because of religious beliefs or family traditions. Others simply prefer the peace and comfort provided by serene plots where visitors can spend time. You can like them on Facebook.

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