There are two main groups of people who wear Support Hose in Pittsburgh PA. The first is those who are using them as supportive legwear to protect their leg health, while the second uses them due to existing problems, often at the behest of their physicians. It’s important to note that all patients should consult their doctors prior to using support hose, but those who have already heard suggestions regarding their use may want to read on to find out about a few of the reasons that consumers may want to purchase support hose.
Improve Blood Flow
The basic purpose of support hose is to improve blood flow to the legs. This, in turn, can lessen pain and swelling and lower wearers’ chances of developing deep vein thrombosis and other potentially serious circulation problems.
Avoid Varicose Veins
Varicose veins are unsightly, often bulging blueish veins that can also be accompanied by pain. In their earliest stages, they can lead to patients suffering from them to feeling achy or tense. The right Support Hose in Pittsburgh PA can be used to avoid the forms of damage leading to varicose veins, to begin with, so that patients don’t have to worry about their appearance or physical comfort.
After Surgery
It’s sometimes necessary for patients to wear support hose after major or minor surgeries. Taking this step can help them minimize their pain and swelling and prevent further stress to the affected areas. Keep in mind, though, that doctors will usually suggest purchasing support hose to their patients prior to heading in for surgery if they feel that it’s necessary, as not all patients require support hose to facilitate a safe recovery.
Cancer Recovery
Those who have had lymph nodes removed in the process of combating cancer often find that they develop lymphodema, which can be painful and dangerous to the health. Wearing support hose helps increase the flow of lymph through the legs, which can help those suffering from lymphodema reduce their swelling and fluid retention. Those who need to find a reliable source for support hose can check out McArdle Surgical online today to learn more or call for answers to any questions today. You can also connect them on Facebook.