Hair loss is a common problem that affects both men and women of all ages. While it can be embarrassing, many people aren’t aware that there are effective solutions to this issue, such as surgical hair restoration in NYC. If you’re interested in undergoing this procedure, the best way to get started is to schedule a consultation with a qualified hair restoration surgeon. The purpose of a consultation is to assess your overall health, learn about the extent of your hair loss, discuss possible treatment options, and determine if you’re a good candidate for surgery.
When you meet with the doctor, they’ll ask questions about your medical and family history as well as any medications you’re taking. The surgeon will perform a physical exam of your scalp and hair to evaluate the extent of your hair loss. They’ll also examine other factors such as the texture, color, and general condition of your hair. In some cases, the doctor may order additional tests such as a blood test or scalp biopsy in order to rule out any underlying medical conditions that could be contributing to your hair loss.
Once the assessment is complete, the doctor will be able to provide an objective opinion on whether or not you’re a good candidate for surgery. They will discuss any risks associated with the procedure and give you a realistic idea of the results you can expect. Since every individual is unique, they’ll tailor a customized treatment plan that meets your goals and fits into your budget.
By the end of the consultation, you’ll have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your hair restoration options. If you’re ready to begin, contact Feller & Bloxham Medical at web today.