What To Do If You Have Been Injured In A Car Accident

by | Aug 10, 2016 | Attorneys

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A car accident begs answers to many questions; the first question is always “who’s at fault?” followed by who is responsible for repairing my car and paying my medical bills. A seasoned car accident lawyer in Michigan can answer all these types of questions as well as negotiate insurance claims and settlements.

As the majority of personal accident lawyers work on contingency there is really very little incentive for you to even consider dealing with the complexities of the claim yourself, this is especially true if there were serious injuries or even a death as a result of the accident.

A car accident attorney knows the law:

The law is phenomenally complex; rarely would a layperson be able to deal with handling a complex case alone. When you hire an experienced car accident lawyer in Michigan you immediately have a professional representing you and your interests.

Unbeknown to many, there is a statute of limitations on actions you might take, if the lawsuit is not filed within this time limit you have lost out on any opportunity to sue. In Michigan the statute of limitations is three years, your lawyer will make sure that everything that has to be done will be done well within this time limit.

A lawyer, because of the years of experience he or she has, will know exactly how to mitigate any defense that the other side raises. Once the case is underway the lawyer will be ready to go to trial if necessary.

Perhaps one of the major benefits is that the “playing field” is level when you have representation. When you are suing for damages resulting from a car accident you will be going up against the best legal minds the insurance company has.

Your car accident lawyer in Michigan will be on your side every step of the way ensuring that you are fully compensated for your losses.

If you have been in an accident and there were serious injuries or considerable property damage you should consider hiring a car accident lawyer in Michigan. You are invited to contact website.

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