Filing for Social Security Disability is the right of every person in the United States, even if they have never worked a job before or have not earned enough credits. When an individual becomes disabled due to a chronic illness or injury, they have the right to receive benefits. These benefits allow them medical insurance coverage and a monthly income to meet their needs.
Sometimes, a person is denied when they first file for disability benefits. When this happens, the person has the right to file a Social Security Disability Appeal. Knowing what to expect from the process will set a person’s mind at ease and help them to be ready.
Denials Do Not Mean the Process Is Over
When a person is denied their benefits, they have their right to file a Social Security Disability Appeal. The first appeal is considered a fairly informal one. The applicant simply requests for their application to be reviewed by the department again. This simply means a second look is given to the application to see if any mistakes were made in the review.
If the appeal comes back with a second denial, it is imperative applicants understand this does not mean the process is over. The applicant will simply need to file a formal appeal which will result in them being scheduled an administrative hearing with a judge.
Lawyers Can Help With Appeals
When a person has been denied their disability benefits, they will often hire a lawyer to help them. Lawyers can prepare their clients for the appeal hearing so they will be ready to face the judge and the questions that may be asked of them.
A lawyer will also work to make sure ample medical evidence is provided for the hearing so the lawyer will be able to prove the need for disability benefits. While being represented by a lawyer does not offer any guarantee of an outcome, it can make the process easier for an applicant to go through.
If you have been injured or become ill and are now unable to work, it is important you seek legal help so the process of filing for disability is easier. For further information, visit