What Procedures are Classified as Cosmetic Dentistry?

by | Apr 17, 2013 | Dentist

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There are so many great procedures that you can perform on your teeth to help maintain an attractive smile that you deserve. A cosmetic dentist in Anne Arundel will be able to assist you in determining which cosmetic procedures that you should choose for your teeth and mouth. Whether you are planning on realigning your teeth, bringing out the natural whiteness that your teeth originally came with, or performing various gum treatments it is a good idea to talk to your dentist ahead of time to determine the best course of action for your teeth.

Cosmetic Shaping
The first type of cosmetic surgery that you should discuss with your cosmetic dentist Anne Arundel is cosmetic shaping for your teeth. This procedure is great for taking care of either all of your teeth of just individual teeth. You can use crowns, bridges, and caps to not only help protect your teeth and keep them from further damage down the road but they will also cover up any unsightly teeth so that others will not notice any chips or gaps. The best way to accomplish this is by wearing a veneer that is engineered to fit perfectly over the tooth. The nice thing about cosmetic shaping is that it does not change the original tooth except in the rare case of shaving some of the teeth tips off for the veneer to fit on better and they can last up to 15 years.

Teeth Whitening
Teeth whitening treatments are a form of cosmetic dentistry that has become extremely popular in the last couple of years. People are attracted to the outcome of whitening their teeth and will try almost any product available to get rid of all the nasty stains that have accumulated on them. While there are a wide variety of products available on the market right now, the most effective treatment can be found at the dentist office. You should set up a meeting with a cosmetic dentist in Anne Arundel to discuss options for whitening your teeth.

Gum Treatments
Your gums may be the main culprit to why your smile is not looking as great as it should; there are situations where the gum line is not perfectly straight and this causes the teeth to look crooked. Your cosmetic dentist in Anne Arundel will be available to discuss possible options if this is the case with your smile. The typical option is when the dentist will slice up the gum in to small pieces in order to even out the gums; this will usually happen at the same time as adding veneers. While this process heals relatively quickly, you will have the appearance of black gums while waiting for the healing process.

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