As you near high school graduation, you might contemplate what colleges to attend next school year. You may want to know what kinds of accommodations are available to incoming students and what it will be like to live on or near campus.
This information can be key to your decision about what college to apply to and attend. You can find out what it is like to live in apartments near the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities by checking out the nearby housing available to students.
Close Proximity to Classes
As large as this university is, you may realize you might have to fight traffic to get to class on time, particularly if you live across the city and have to commute each day. You do not want to deal with crowded streets in your bid to get to your classes. You also may not want to find a place to park each day on campus.
Instead, you may prefer to live as close to campus as possible so you can walk or bike to class. The housing you choose may allow you this convenience, so you avoid having to drive, fight traffic and find and pay for parking.
You can find out what it is like to live near the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities online. To check out some of the available housing options, reach out to 44 North.