What Is Covered Under Home Insurance Boston

by | Mar 17, 2015 | Insurance Services

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Your home is likely the largest investment that you have. Not only is it an investment, it is your home, where your family lives, and you keep all of your personal belongings. Because your home is so important, it is necessary to have Home Insurance Boston. When you purchase your policy, it is important to know what is covered under a standard policy, and what is not.

The Structure of Your Home

Your Home Insurance Boston will repair or rebuild your home if it is destroyed or damaged by lightening, hurricane, hail, or in a fire. There are also some other disasters which most policies cover. What is not covered in your policy is flood damage, earthquake damage, and normal wear and tear. Most policies will also cover structures which are detached from the home, such as a gazebo, sheds, or a garage. When purchasing your policy, you need to have enough coverage to rebuild your home in case it is destroyed. Visit their website to know more.

Personal Belongings

If any of your personal belongings, such as furniture, clothes, and appliances are stolen, or damaged by any of the covered disasters, they will be covered under your Boston Home Insurance policy. Most policies also offer off-premises coverage. This means that your personal belongings are covered even if they are stolen or damaged someplace other than your home. It you have expensive jewellery or furs in the home, they would be covered up to a certain limit. Most policies will only cover between $1,000 and $2,000.

Liability Protection

Your home insurance policy will protect you against lawsuits for property damage or bodily injury which you or a member of your family causes. For example, if a friend slips on the ice at your home, your policy would cover their expenses. If your child breaks a neighbour’s window, it will be covered. However, if your child breaks your window, it would not be covered.

Additional Living Expenses

If you are unable to live in your home, due to damaged or destruction caused by storm, fire, or other insured disaster, your insurance would pay for your accommodations, meals, and any other expenses incurred while your home is being repaired or rebuilt.

Because your home, family, and your belongings are so important, you should contact Sawyer Insurance Agency Inc, to help you purchase the best home insurance policy possible.

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