What are the Perks of Off-Campus Housing in IUPUI?: Is it For You?

by | Jul 28, 2020 | Student Housing Center

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You’re not in high school anymore. As a college student, you will soon choose between living off or on campus, not what color backpack you want. Yes, the decisions get harder, but that’s a part of growing up. If you need some help trying to determine where to live when starting your first year at a university, continue reading!

Perk #1: More Privacy

If you’re a social butterfly, you’ll thrive living on campus. However, if you like to have your alone time, perhaps an apartment that is more secluded will benefit you. You will get more privacy, as you can have your own room or bathroom.

Perk #2: Separate Your School and Social Life

Trying to relax is almost impossible if you’re too close to campus. It can get rowdy, and not mention, being in such close proximity does not allow you to unplug from your rigorous coursework on the weekends. You will have better school work to social life ratio when you can compartmentalize these areas of your life.

Perk #3: It’s More Affordable

One of the biggest perks of off-campus housing is that it’s typically more affordable! You’ll miss a few convenience factors, but if you’re trying to save some money, moving a couple of miles away is a great way to do so without compromising on the quality of your apartment.


Now you are aware of some of the top benefits associated with living in off campus housing near IUPUI. If you wish to find a complex that suits your unique needs, contact LUX on Capitol. You can learn more about their unique floor plans and student-friendly amenities by visiting their website.

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