by | Jun 27, 2019 | Articles

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The right insulation makes a home more comfortable and more energy efficient, and there are several types to choose from. The most common types of insulation used today include fiberglass, mineral wool, cellulose, and polyurethane foam, also known as spray foam. The following are some of the top benefits of Spray Foam Insulation in Tacoma, WA.

Foam Insulation Creates An Air-Tight Barrier

Spray foam insulation is formed by combining two chemicals that react on contact and quickly expand and harden. When it’s installed properly, the foam forms an air-tight barrier against cracks and openings in the walls or roof of the home. Spray foam has a higher resistance rating than any other type of insulation, meaning that it does the best job of sealing out air and moisture.

Foam Insulation Is Energy Efficient

Because spray foam works so well to form an air-tight barrier, it is the most energy-efficient type of insulation available. It prevents cold air from getting into the house during winter while helping the house to retain interior heat. Home owners can typically expect savings of up to 50% on their heating costs with spray foam insulation.

Foam Insulation Is Water Resistant

Another benefit of foam insulation is the fact that it doesn’t absorb water. Other types of insulation materials can be damaged by water if the house floods. Moreover, when insulation retains water, mold can start to grow. Thus, polyurethane foam is not only safe from water damage, but it can deter the growth of mold by maintaining a moisture-free environment.

Foam Insulation Has A Long Lifespan

While fiberglass or cellulose insulation may become detached from the walls or roof and start to slip down after 10 to 15 years, foam insulation can last many years without degrading. Most home owners can expect their foam insulation to last 80 years or more.

Foam Insulation Reinforces The Structure Of The House

Finally, polyurethane foam insulation can make a house stronger by sealing cracks and bonding to the walls and roof beams, helping to hold the house together.

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