Often when a person has been in an automobile accident, they may find they are experiencing pain in an area of their body, which had not been troubling them before. Sometimes the pain may be very slight, but it can continue to grow. While a medical doctor may not be able to do much for this type of condition, other than provide pain medication, a chiropractor, like Brian C. Helland D.C will be able to help by using different types of treatments to the area causing the pain.
Very often, the main areas where a person will feel pain after an automobile accident can be the neck and back areas. This generally occurs because the spine is shifted out of place during the impact of the accident. While this can be severe, many times it is not. However, any time the spine is out of alignment, a person will tend to feel pain and discomfort. This can cause the person’s range of movement to become limited and this can further complicate the matter.
The body is designed to heal itself in such situations. Most chiropractors can aid this process by beginning manual manipulation to an area where a patient experiences stiffness and pain. By kneading the muscles, tissues and joints, the area will be more flexible and this can help by allowing the patient to improve their range of motion. In addition, this type of treatment will also increase the blood circulation in the area, which delivers oxygen and nutrients. These factors can be vital in the body’s ability to heal itself.
In addition, a chiropractor will begin to help the body by gradually working the spine back into proper alignment. This is also done by manual manipulation of the areas near the spine. However, there are times where the chiropractor may need to use strong pressure to move an area back to the position it had before the accident.
Most chiropractors will recommend exercises to be done by the patient at home, which can further help the body in healing the alignment issues it has. Chiropractors generally will discuss eating habits with a person as well. This can ensure the body has the nutrients, vitamins and other elements it needs to heal the damaged areas properly. Please visit website for more information.