The Varying Levels of Water Damage

by | Apr 1, 2015 | Restoration

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One of the hardest things for a homeowner to deal with is water damage in their residence. There can be many causes for water damage, but the one constant is that the longer it stays in your home, the more damage it can do. Many homeowners are unaware that there are varying degrees of water damage and this lack of knowledge can cost them greatly. You need to make sure that you have all of the information that you need to keep you and your family safe and to get speedy water damage clean up in your South Jersey residence.

Clean Water

The first degree of water damage is referred to as clean water and is usually caused by a busted pipe in your home. This type of water, while annoying and bad for your home’s interior, poses no danger to the health of your family. Usually you can get this water cleaned up easily and get your home back to normal in a fast manner. The first thing that you have to do in a situation like this is to find the main water cutoff for your home to reduce the amount of water coming out.

Grey Water

The next degree of water damage that you may encounter is referred to as Grey water. This type of water is usually found in overflowing dishwashers and or can result from sump pump malfunctions. This water is filled with bacteria and if left for longer than 48 hours can become even more harmful. As soon as you encounter this water in your home, you need to call on a water cleanup professional immediately. They will be able to come in and use the specialized equipment that they have to get the mess cleaned up.

Black Water

Perhaps the most potentially harmful type of water you will encounter inside of your home is black water. This type of water usually comes from ponds and rivers that overflow and spill in to your home. The black water is filled with bacteria and mold spores that can be very hazardous. The sooner that this can be cleaned up, the faster that you can get the mold remediation team in your home. They will be able to check your home and remove any damage that could potentially harm you or your family in the long run. The time that you spend getting the services performed will be worth it.

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