Should You Use an Estate Planning Lawyer in Lancaster, PA?

by | Nov 8, 2013 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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Estate planning is something we don’t think of until we need it -; and even then, it can be an uncomfortable thing to deal with. The Law Offices of Going and Plank provide confidential and reliable service when you need an Estate Planning Lawyer in Lancaster, PA.
What is estate planning? Most likely, it’s not something you think of on a daily basis. Estate planning is simply planning for and arranging whatever assets you will leave behind when you pass away. This can involve wills, living wills and health care declarations, trusts, powers of attorney and guardianship, among many other things.
A will is a declaration of how you want your assets to be divided and where you want them to go when you are deceased. A trust is an account that you can set up at your bank and you can deposit funds into before you pass away. Usually, you will have instructions in your will as to where you want this money to go once you die. This is a useful way to make sure that your loved ones are provided for after you’re gone. A power of attorney is given to another person whom you trust while you are still living, and they have complete control of your assets and wealth if you can no longer take care of them yourself. For example, a power of attorney will be added to your bank account and can perform all necessary financial actions for you.
Estate planning is done to reduce disagreements and uncertainties about the disbursement of assets once you are deceased. It’s likely that if you don’t take care of your estate before you no longer can, there will be a lot of confusion and arguments regarding who should get what and where your belongings will end up. It is easy to avoid these problems by hiring an estate planning lawyer from Going And Plank and it’s a good idea to do so before it’s too late.
Estate planning is essential if you want to tie up all of your loose ends and leave nothing for your loved ones to worry about. It is best to get it taken care of early, before you are no longer able to.


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