Understanding Medical Coding

by | May 25, 2015 | Health Care

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If you operate a medical facility, you understand the need for careful medical coding. Los Angeles can easily provide examples where errors have proven costly in terms of time, energy spent on the problem and financial recompense. It is an issue that will not go away. Improved technology can help, but unless you have in place a skilled medical coder, as well as an integrated and close relationship between the coder and the actual billing service, problems in the system will continue to surface.

Explaining Medical Coding

Medical coding in Los Angeles is identical to anywhere else in the United States. It is a system in which an individual – usually referred to as a medical coder or medical coding specialist, supplies the specific medical codes for any medical procedure. In order to arrive at the right code, he or she must look at:

* The information provided by the medical professional e.g. records, files and other documents
* Look carefully at the details provided about the specific procedure e.g. injuries, diseases, specific medical procedures undertaken
* Compare the compiled and distilled information with the universal, official coding system
* Assign a code

A specific code will match all medical and medically-related procedures. Medical coders will utilize three different sets of codes. These are:

1. CPT – Current Procedural Terminology: Hospitals and private practices both employ this type of medical coding
2. HCPCS – Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System: Utilized by Medicare
3. ICD-9/10 – International Classification of Diseases: This code is applied in conjunction with CPT to provide verification of the direct co-relation between the procedure and the actual medical condition or situation.

The Purpose of Medical Coding in Los Angeles

Medical coding in Los Angeles and across North America serves a very specific purpose. It is to be used in the medical billing process. Those who handle the billing, whether they are in-house or third party medical billing services, utilize the code to prepare a bill. The finalized bill will contain the specifics concerning the reason for the bill and state the exact amount that is being charged based on the code. In other words, medical coding tells medical billing services how much the patient is required to pay and/or how much the insurance company or other potential payees e.g. Medicaid or Medicare, are requested to reimburse the medical facility for health care services rendered.

It is important that someone within the medial facility or practice understands the importance of being exact in their preparation of medical coding. Medical coders need to understand that codes are an integral component of any medical management system. Whether this function is performed in-house or by a third party medical billing services provider, it is essential that is done correctly. Failure to live up to exacting standards is not an option in medical coding. In Los Angeles, hiring professional coders is the best way to ensure that the patients, the insurance companies and other invested parties will receive the right information every time.

At Omneity Billing we understand the need for comprehensive and exact Medical Coding in Los Angeles and throughout our area coverage. As a comprehensive provider of insurance billing services we work with experts to ensure that there are no mistakes in the billing process. We are there to help patients and doctors realize their goals while protecting their rights. To discover more about who we are and what services we provide, visit us online.

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