Types of Facial Laser Treatments

by | Jun 9, 2014 | Beauty Salon and Products

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Facial Laser Treatment in Tucson is a type of treatment that is used to treat skin irregularities, such as acne scars and blemishes, as well as wrinkles. The laser that is used for the process will direct concentrated and short pulsing beams of light toward any areas of irregularity, helping to remove the skin a layer at a time in an extremely precise manner. This procedure which has become extremely popular is also referred to as a laser vaporization, laser peel or lasabrasion.

Ideal Candidates for Laser Treatments

If you have any wrinkles or fine lines around your mouth or eyes, or present on your forehead, non-responsive skin after a facelift procedure or shallow scars that are the result of acne, then you may be an ideal candidate for the laser skin treatment. However, if you currently have acne or extremely dark skin, you may not be eligible for the procedure. This is also a procedure that is not recommended for any type of stretch marks you may have.

How the Laser Treatment Works

There are two main types of lasers used for the treatment of your face: the erbium and carbon dioxide (CO2). Each laser works to vaporize the skin cells that are damaged on the surface level.

CO2 Laser Treatment

This is a method that has been used for a number of years for the treatment of different skin issues, which include enlarged oil glands on the nose, warts, scars and wrinkles. The latest version of the CO2 laser works by using extremely short and pulsed light energy, or a continuous light beam that are delivered in a type of scanning pattern in order to remove thin layers of the skin without significant heat damage.

Erbium Laser Treatment

This laser option is designed to help and remove moderately deep wrinkles and lines that are present on the face. Some of the benefits of this option is the fact that there is minimal burning of the tissue surrounding the treated area. Additionally, the laser causes much fewer side effects, such as redness, bruising and swelling, making recovery time shorter than treatments completed with the CO2 laser.

If you are interested in the many benefits offered by facial laser treatments, consult with your doctor to learn if you are a candidate for the procedures. They can be extremely effective in reducing the signs of fine lines and wrinkles, as well as a number of other facial skin concerns.

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