The Truth About Los Angeles Drug Detox

by | Jun 18, 2015 | Drug Rehabilitation

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Detox is a very important step in any drug addiction treatment and recovery program. Many patients try to bypass Los Angeles drug detox by participating in outpatient counseling services or 12 Step meetings as a starting point to recovery.

The reality is Los Angeles drug detox is necessary for the long and short term success of any addiction recovery program. Unless the drugs are completely removed from the system they will continue to have an impact on brain chemistry, cravings, urges and even on the ability of the individual to participate fully in educational and therapeutic programs.

Safety and Medical Support

It is much safer to go through a Los Angeles drug detox either at a licensed facility for sub-acute detox or through more medically supervised detox in a hospital setting.

With medical experts on staff and monitoring the detox, medical and mental health issues can be immediately addressed. Often with drug detox there can be significant withdrawal symptoms, and these can be treated with prescribed and monitored medications used only as needed.

On the other hand, trying to do it cold turkey at home is far more dangerous. It will typically result in the addict using again just to address the overwhelming withdrawal symptoms he or she may be experiencing.

Court Ordered Los Angeles Drug Detox Works

Many times you will hear people say that a court ordered Los Angeles drug detox will not result in any benefits. That is not a true statement and, in recent studies and comprehensive reviews of the research, the success rates for court ordered detox are virtually the same as voluntary admission when the patient remains in the program.

This is also true for employer mandated detox and treatment and when the addict goes into treatment because of pressure from the family. The results show once the addict is through the Los Angeles drug detox process and completes the therapeutic component they have the skills and the understanding of the addiction to make positive choices in their life going forward.

Regardless of how or why a person comes into a Los Angeles drug detox, it can be a very successful starting point to a life changing experienced. Once free from the effects of the drug they can see the possibilities of living a drug-free life, and are eager to complete treatment and move forward.

If you or a loved one needs help through a Los Angeles drug detox, see our website at website At Pax House, we provide sub-acute detox programs or can accept clients after drug rehab at another facility.

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