Tricks to Bathroom Remodeling in NYC

by | Dec 3, 2014 | Construction & Maintanance, Home Improvement

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When you want to renovate a bathroom, the first thing you may think of is changing the faucets, shower, and the floor. But sometimes people cannot afford that expense, and it is then that you must be resourceful and initiate creativity. Bathroom Remodeling in NYC doesn’t have to be an expensive task. Following are some suggestions you may want to keep in mind when trying to renovate your bathroom in an easy and economical way.

  • Banish carpets. Getting rid of carpet or carpet tiles can make a big difference. This will immediately make the room seem larger and maintenance is also easier. A quick scrub or sweep makes a world of difference. Leave behind the days of carpets soaked in water after a shower.
  • Change the color of the tiles. This is the most noticeable change you can make concerning Bathroom Remodeling in NYC. Normally to change the color of the tiles, you should replace them with others, but thanks to the new paints and primers you can paint the tiles the color you want easily.
  • Change the shower curtain. Choose one that fits the decorating style you have chosen for your bathroom. Remember that the color is the largest issue to tackle, and with the market having so many options, it’s best to choose wisely.
  • Paint or decorate any furniture. You can change the colors of stuff in your bathroom, or you can decorate with stencils or wallpaper. And the result is completely new furniture.
  • New accessories. Add new towels near the mirror and remember that these should incorporate the same style that your bathroom has.
  • To give a sober touch to the bathroom, you can choose to implement a dresser or closet to store soaps, bath towels and other needs. But remember to fit the decorative style into the mix.
  • Decorate the bathroom with decals. You can use vinyl for toilets, shower or the wall. Choosing the right change can be radical.

Changing decorative accessories such as soap dispensers, towels, etc., can also be a great idea. You can exchange them for very little money while transforming your bathroom in a matter of minutes. The finishing touch would be to place scented candles on your counter top or on the sides of the tub. An exquisite detail that encourages relaxation. Contact New York Renovations for more information.

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