There is nothing like the power of a stunning landscape. It has the capacity to take you momentarily to a world of wonder, magic and beauty. You can modify the visible features of your yard to make it more appealing and inviting. This will not only solve your aesthetic problems, it can even solve your privacy issues while enhancing the site and covering up its negative aspects. However, you will need to be a good observer and designer to come up with a great landscape. The challenge is often in perfectly combining nature and construction. Here are a few tips that will help you with landscaping in Fairfield, Connecticut.
Create a landscape that is in harmony with your house
A landscape that has nothing in common with your home will look out of place. If your house is painted with red or blue colors, it is advisable that you look for plants whose flowers or foliage complements these colors. Similarly, if you have brick wainscoting on your home’s exterior, you should look for pavers or any other hardscape that complement and enhance the brick.
Make alterations to the elevation
Breaking up the flatness of your landscape will make it more attractive and interesting. To achieve this, you may use such devices as fake boulders and/or mounded soil.
Make it curvy
Unless your home has a rectangular or square feature that can be duplicated in the landscape and reinforced through it well, you will find that plants that are arranged in straight rows or square sections appear quite boring. You will therefore want to add curves to your walkaways and planted areas to make the look more interesting.
Keep it simple
It is highly recommended that you keep the design simple. A simple design is likely to be less time-consuming while making the landscape easier to install and less costly. Moreover, a simple look will be more attractive as opposed to a complex landscape that can look confused and chaotic.
A beautiful landscape can make your home appear more welcoming. However, if it is your first time to tackle a landscape design, you might get overwhelmed by all the choices available to you. If you need assistance with landscaping in Fairfield, Connecticut, including the maintenance and care of your plants, trees and shrubs in your home, contact Northeast Horticultural Services. Click here for more details.