Tile Roofs in Fort Lauderdale Are Beautiful and Cool

by | Sep 12, 2013 | Roofing

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Tile roofs are very effective in preventing a lot of the sun’s rays from heating up the home. A concrete tile roof will outlast the home, and clay tile will probably last longer than that. Clay will surely last longer than any other roofing material. Some clay tile manufacturers estimate that their product will last 50 years. There are many Tile Roofs in Fort Lauderdale that are older than 50 years.

Clay, sand-cast and concrete tiles give the roof a beautiful look and that gives a home a distinctly Floridian style. Other good features to tile roofs are they resist rot and insects, and they are fireproof. Tile manufacturers are now casting concrete tiles to have the appearance of wood shakes, and there is no fire danger.

The history of clay tile as a roofing material goes back for thousands of years. The earliest recorded clay tile roof in history appeared about 10,000 years ago. Clay tile was used by the ancient Greeks as a roofing material. The vitrification process used to make clay tiles results from firing the clay at a high temperature, and it results in a hard, waterproof surface.

Light colored roofs stay cooler longer because they have features known as higher reflectance and emissivity. The traditional red clay used for roofs is a moderately reflective color. Tile roofs stay cooler, and that can be as much as 70 degrees cooler. The interiors of homes will be more comfortable, and they are more energy efficient. There are several clay tile manufacturers that produce tiles that meet Energy Star specifications.

The American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) specifications say that clay tiles are made in 3 grades. Grade 3 tiles are recommended for climates such as that of Florida. The ASTM sets values for the strength of tiles of different curvatures or profiles. These results correlate with the tile’s ability to withstand stresses including hail, severe weather, and handling and installation.

Some manufacturers apply glaze to tiles which adds color and additional surface protection. Other features are the unique architecture of the roof, the interlocking systems that ensure that the tiles stay in place and protect the roof, and the overlap construction that prevents moisture from entering between the tiles.

It is important to consider tile roofs, that will cater for your roofing needs and prove to be cost effective in the long run. For more information, visit our website.

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