Three Tried and Tested Ways to Save Money on Central Heating in Taunton

by | Sep 5, 2014 | Heating & Air conditioning

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You could put on a few extra layers of clothing, have a hot bath or sip a warm beverage to get comfortable during winter, but there may come a time when central heating in Taunton is a necessity. It’s not just the radiators that heat up when central heating is turned on but also, the water that flows through the pipes in your home. The average annual fuel cost for heating and hot water in the UK is £1,355. If you want to slash the cost of your bills, improve the efficiency of your heating system and reduce the risks associated with Carbon Monoxide (CO) poisoning, take the time to do a little maintenance!

Understanding the System

Most homes around the United Kingdom are fitted with a central heating system, but a large portion of homeowners don’t actually understand their system. Radiators, boilers and electric storage heaters are the most common types of systems. Central heating in Taunton is a favoured system, and is powered with wood, coal or oil. The cheapest option is to run the system on mains gas. If you are still spending more than you would like on your monthly energy bills, consider upgrading to a more efficient appliance that has lower carbon fuel or renewable technology.

Regular Maintenance

If you can make any insulation improvements in the home, do it. Draught-proofing will also improve the efficiency of central heating in Taunton, which will help you save money on annual bills. The effectiveness of radiators will reduce if corrosion deposits build up in the system, therefore it’s a good idea to clean components. Listen out for unusual noises and contact an engineer if the boiler flame is yellow, because this is a sign of a malfunction. Other signs that you require a boiler service are if there are smoke marks near the central heating system, if there is a reduction in overall heat, or if there is dirty water in the system.

Setting the Thermostat

By getting a thermostat correctly installed, and by setting it accordingly, you could save up to £150 on heating costs annually. By turning down the thermostat on central heating in Taunton by just one degree, savings could exceed £75. What’s more, lowering the thermostat will help you save 310kg Carbon Dioxide (CO) each year.

Gas World Ltd offering boiler, heating, plumbing & renewable energy services across the Taunton, UK. Visit them online for more information.

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