Things Not to Flush Into a Septic System in Magnolia TX

by | Sep 18, 2015 | Septic Tanks

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It’s frustrating when technicians who clean out a Septic System in Magnolia TX tell the homeowner that they’ve found a lot of tampons and other items that shouldn’t be flushed down the toilet. The homeowner may have asked everyone who lives in the house and everyone who visits not to flush tampons, dental floss, hair and other things that don’t biodegrade, but convincing them to follow instructions can be difficult. The objects may not actually clog up the tank, but they can catch onto tiny root growth in the tank and cause backups that way. Since septic tanks are commonly constructed of concrete or clay, they can develop thin cracks that would not cause problems except for tenacious trees. The roots are drawn to the wetness and nutrients in the tank and grow right into the cracks.

However, to maintain the proper functioning of a Septic System in Magnolia TX and prevent backups, it’s important to get everyone on the same page. Small paper or dark-colored plastic bags can be provided in the bathrooms, for example. Those allow discreet disposal of items that people don’t want others to see. Wastebaskets should be placed in all the bathrooms to make disposal of dental floss and hair from the shower trap easy. The homeowner might even want to print up fun little signs listing numerous things that aren’t supposed to be flushed, including cigarette butts and sanitary wipes. It doesn’t matter if the product labels insist the items can safely be flushed; they still should go in the trash instead. Even municipal sewer systems advise residents not to flush these supposedly flushable objects because they cause havoc with treatment plant filters.

A company such as Business Name responds promptly if a backup ever does occur because visitors have ignored instructions. Interested homeowners may want to learn more at website domain. Afterwards, it’s time once again to sit everyone in the household down and have a talk about what should not be flushed down the toilet. The household residents then must take responsibility for the way their guests behave as well. Even the children must be enlisted in this quest to avoid septic system problems. You can also visit them on Facebook for more information.

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