The Importance of Jointing Sand to Make the Most of a Concrete Paver Project

by | Aug 22, 2022 | Articles

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One of the elements that is often overlooked when making decisions regarding the flooring for your patio, poolside or outdoor kitchen is the jointing sand used. While this sand provides a nice visual effect, it can also be used for creating amazing contrasts and tying the hardscape together visually when used to its full potential. Keep in mind, when ordering jointing sand, you need to find a quality sand supplier to ensure you achieve the quality results desired.

Mimic the Shades of Your Other Hardscape Elements

You can choose jointing sand Tacoma that is a similar color to your other hardscape elements, such as your fire pit or a nearby wall. This will help to visually coordinate the elements creating a unified space. You can also select lighter and darker colors to create contrast. This will help enhance your outdoor area while making it more visually appealing.

Use Jointing Sand to Create an Intentional Mess

You can also use jointing sand from a reliable sand supplier to highlight the irregularity of your pavers or other stones being used for the flooring. This will create a unique time-worn effect that you will love, and the impression that your patio has been in place for centuries.

If you are having any type of stone flooring installed, then you need to make sure you get the right jointing sand for the job. A quality sand supplier will be able to supply you with the product you need for a price you can afford.

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