Dentists do all they can to protect their patient’s dental health. When a tooth becomes damaged because of decay, infection or injury, it needs to be protected so it does not continue to suffer from damage. This often means the Dentists in Shorewood WI will need to place a crown over the tooth. A crown can help to shield the tooth from further damage and keep it strong enough to retain normal function.
When the Dentists need to place a crown over a tooth, impressions first need to be made. Impressions allow the dental lab to create an exact duplicate of the shape of a person’s tooth so the crown will be able to fit in nicely with surrounding teeth. In many dental offices today, crowns can be made on the premises. This prevents the waiting times and plastic crown placements of the past.
To prepare a tooth for crown placement, the dentist will need to remove some of the tooth tissues. This process removes the damaged areas and makes the tooth smaller and rounder. This not only stops further damage, but also allows the tooth to fit in snugly with the crown so no food or drink can enter under the crown and cause damage and irritation.
Once the crown has been sized and is ready for placement, the dentist will adhere it using a special dental resin. This adhesive creates a strong bond that can last for many years. To ensure proper adhesion occurs, the dentist will treat the resin with a UV light. This instantly hardens and cures the adhesive so the crown becomes one with the tooth.
When a crown is placed over a tooth it offers many years of protection. Crowns typically last for at least seven years but can last even longer with proper care. To learn more about dental crowns and how they can protect a damaged tooth, visit Website Domain. Crown placement not only seals a tooth and makes it stronger, it also makes the tooth more attractive. To protect the health of your smile, call and schedule an appointment right away.