The Best Individualized Physical Therapy in Colorado Springs

by | Jun 16, 2022 | Health

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Exercise is important. It keeps us healthy and strong. And according to research, exercise can slow down the physiological aging process. However, it is easy to get injured while exercising. And no one should live in pain. Are you currently experiencing any orthopedic issues? Consider a physical therapist in Colorado Springs.

An Individualized Approach to Orthopedic Problems

Countless people suffer from knee pain. But we all vary as individuals. If you are young and athletic, your knee problems could be caused by muscle imbalances. A lot of runners, for instance, have weak hamstrings. Many also have tight hip flexors. So when they are running, they are not engaging their glutes and hamstrings as much. If this is your case, a physical therapist in Colorado Springs can help you. He can provide you with an exercise program. Furthermore, you could benefit from treatments like functional dry needling. This is a good alternative for people who are experiencing a lot of pain.

There Are Always Options

Unfortunately, the road to recovery is sometimes longer. If you are currently suffering from a rotator cuff tear, you might need surgery. And if this is the case, you could still benefit from physical therapy. There is pre-surgery therapy. And this involves weeks of preparation. In this scenario, the focus would be on getting you stronger. Stronger patients recover faster from surgeries. And the faster you recover, the sooner you will be able to resume your normal activities. A physical therapist in Colorado Springs can help you. For more information, contact Website Url

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