If you have neck or back pain, you might think you need surgical intervention. However, there are actually many benefits to seeing a chiropractor nearby Mercer Island, WA.
Natural Techniques
Chiropractors do not use drugs or surgery to help heal their patients. Instead, they use natural skeletal manipulation techniques to relieve the pain and discomfort from which their patients are suffering. This prevents any risks associated with narcotic painkillers.
Beyond Back Pain
While most people think of back pain when chiropractic is mentioned, there are actually many other things that a chiropractor can help heal. Such disorders as earaches, arthritis, scoliosis, and asthma can all be treated by an experienced chiropractor.
Treat The Source
Instead of just masking the symptoms like a traditional doctor is prone to do, a chiropractor will actually treat the source of the pain. For instance, painkillers might cover up the pain that a misaligned spine is causing, but a chiropractor will actually correct the misalignment so that the pain is cured, not just covered up.
Helps With Chronic Diseases
While a chiropractor nearby Mercer Island, WA cannot cure a chronic disease, they can help with some of the underlying conditions that are caused by said diseases. For instance, the pain that is caused by cancer or by fibromyalgia can be alleviated by proper chiropractic care.
Complementary Treatments
Since chiropractic care does not rely on any sort of drugs to work, it can be used in conjunction with virtually any other kind of treatment. However, it is pertinent that you inform your traditional medical team that you are also undergoing chiropractic care.