Teeth Replacements: Dental Implants in Rockville

by | Jul 16, 2013 | Dentistry

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If you are concerned with the embarrassment of slipping dentures or your partial is injuring your anchor teeth, consider dental implants as a reliable and remarkable solution. Missing or severely diseased teeth can ruin your smile and decrease your self-confidence and self-esteem. Dental implants can replace one single tooth or several teeth and function, feel and look like your natural teeth. Rockville Dental Implants are the closest tooth replacements to your actual teeth available in today’s modern dentistry.

What are Dental Implants?

An implant is a cylinder or screw that is inserted into the bone socket of the missing tooth in the upper or lower jaw. These cylinders are made of titanium or other metals that are compatible with the body tissues. After the insertion of the post, the dentist places a beautiful crown over it that looks and feels like a natural tooth. There is a three step to the process of inserting, healing and completing Dental Implants Rockville.

The first step involves the placement of the post into the jaw to replace the missing tooth or teeth. Once placed, a screw is placed over the post to keep debris and bacteria out of the area. Next, the dentist will pull the flap of the gum over the screw to secure the tooth. It will take approximately three to six months for the implant to heal. Usually, there may be soreness over the gum and pain medication is prescribed for a few days. In addition, a diet of soft foods and soup may be encouraged while healing takes place.

The second step requires the placement of an extension that will eventually be used to place the crown. The gum is then allowed to heal around this extension and is prepared to be used as the foundation of the new tooth. Finally, the crown is applied and the Dental Implants Rockville are complete.

Dental Implants are Superior

Since dental implants are fused with bone, they are strong and function like natural teeth. You will be able to bite into all your favorite foods and speak clearly. Your new implants will look beautiful and no one will be able to tell that they are not your natural teeth.

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