Continuing your education is a decision to improve yourself, which goes beyond the level that most people take. This is a great way to set yourself apart from the crowd, expand your knowledge, and grow as a person. Continued education is something that adds significantly to your life, but it can be also be a challenge. There are many things you can do to make your life in grad school go smoother, and less stress will allow you to learn better.
Graduate Program Options
You might be able to take advantage of non-traditional programs. Low-residency MFA programs are designed to allow your schooling to mix well with the rest of your life. For other graduate programs, there are other options available to you. The flexibility of these options can make surviving grad school easier in several ways including financial and professional aspects.
One of the biggest stressors in grad school is going to be finances. After your undergraduate program, you will more than likely already have some student loan debt. Due to the nature of graduate studies, this is likely to grow. Finding other funding, such as scholarships, is going to minimize some of your debt, reducing money worries. Tax breaks may also be available to you, and investigation into that may prove very worthwhile. In addition, sticking to a budget can save you money, and increase your feeling of control in your life.
Studies and Schoolwork
With all these other distractions, it can be hard at times to focus on your goals. You are a student, and remembering that is important for you to get the most from your program. Your professors, advisors and other staff are all there to help you succeed. Using them as resources for both educational and life guides can significantly improve how your grad studies go. Focusing on your academics increases the amount of education you can gain from your schooling path.
If you are looking into low-residency MFA programs check out the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. Visit their website, for more information.