Staying in the Workforce With the Help of a Chiropractor in Glendale, AZ

by | Apr 29, 2022 | Chiropractic

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Chronic back pain is common, and it often begins at a relatively young age. Some men and women develop spinal osteoarthritis, also called degenerative disc disease. Others are susceptible to herniated discs. These conditions can lead people to quit working and apply for long-term disability benefits. A chiropractor in Glendale, AZ may help some of these individuals remain in the workforce if they want to.

Changing Occupations

Men and women with these conditions might be unable to continue in an occupation requiring vigorous physical labor or heavy lifting. However, they could complete training for a more sedentary job. Many individuals with chronic back pain can continue working full-time if the occupation mostly involves sitting. Sessions with a chiropractor in Glendale, AZ relieve and prevent pain that may sometimes occur even after quitting the more strenuous job.

About Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic treatment returns the body to optimal musculoskeletal alignment. When the musculoskeletal system is aligned and balanced, this promotes a natural innate healing ability. This ability becomes blocked when the spinal column develops irregularities known as subluxations.

Chiropractic doctors use a variety of strategies to provide personalized care. Gentle spinal decompression, for instance, allows ruptured discs to slide back in place. Chiropractic therapies bring significant relief to many individuals dealing with chronic back pain.

Scheduling Sessions

Some patients of a chiropractic doctor keep standing appointments because they’ve found this prevents back pain from recurring. They might have an appointment every other Thursday, for example. Others schedule one-time sessions as needed because their back pain has become infrequent.

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