Smile Confidently Again With Invisalign Dentistry

by | Mar 25, 2019 | Dental

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Straighten Your Misaligned Teeth

When you are a teenager or an adult, you don’t always need to wear metal or ceramic braces to straighten your teeth. If you have mild to moderate dental malocclusions, you can use clear plastic aligners to repair your teeth. An Invisalign Edmonton expert can examine your teeth along with collecting X-rays and molds to make your clear plastic aligners. You will receive up to 30 sets of aligners that are made in a series to apply pressure against your teeth. You should wear each set of aligners for two weeks before switching to the next set of aligners.

Keep the Aligners Clean

While the dental aligners are removable, you should wear the devices as much as possible. You can remove the plastic aligners to drink beverages, eat food or to brush your teeth. Make sure to sanitize the aligners correctly to keep the plastic clear and free of odors. You must also wear the aligners while you are sleeping to have the best outcome from your treatment. If you have any discomfort from the aligners, then you can use dental wax on your gums or you can apply an ice pack to your face.

Schedule an Appointment Today with a Dentist

During the time that you are having treatment with aligners, it is a good idea to consume a nutritious daily diet that has fresh vegetables and fruits along with lean proteins, whole grains and low-fat dairy foods. You should avoid eating sugary or hard foods that can damage your teeth and gums, leading to cavities or gingivitis. While undergoing treatment with aligners, you will continue to visit your dentist for evaluations to determine if the aligners are working optimally to straighten your teeth. To learn more about aligners,visit website or contact Motivo Dental today.

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