Signs That Indicate You Need to Get Mental Health Treatment in Minneapolis

by | Dec 27, 2019 | Health

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It is estimated that 25 percent of the population has a mental illness. Many of the people who have a mental illness do not take advantage of the mental health services Minneapolis has to offer. There are several signs that indicate you will need to get mental health treatment.

You Have Sleep Issues

It is estimated that 80 percent of people who have depression also suffer from sleep issues. Sleep problems can also be a sign of anxiety. That is why if you are having problems sleeping, then you will need to get mental health treatment.

Excessive Anxiety

Anxiety is something that we all experience from time to time. It is not all bad. Anxiety is what allows us to work under pressure. It also helps us keep our children safe. However, excessive anxiety is a problem. If you have tried to alleviate anxiety by exercising, meditating and doing yoga and still have not gotten the results that you want, then it is time for you to get treatment.

Your Appetite Has Changed

Any mental health condition that you have can affect you physically. That is why your appetite may change if you suffer from a mental health condition. You may find yourself eating more or less than usual.

You Abuse Substances

Many people who have a mental illness turn to drugs and alcohol to cope with their feelings. This can actually worsen your mental illness. That is why it is important to get the proper treatment.

If you are in need of mental health services in Minneapolis, then you will need to contact “Company Name” Treatment Center at “website URL”

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