Periodontal disease is a serious gum disease that when left untreated it’s not only painful, but can result in tooth loss. Matter of fact, there are many adults that have this gum disease and aren’t even aware they have this dental problem. This is why it’s highly important to keep up with your regular dental check-ups so that your dental professional can catch the disease before it gets worse and you’re able to receive the necessary treatment. There are many signs and symptoms of a periodontal disease that you can look for before you visit a Periodontic specialist for medical assistance. Some of the signs and symptoms include difficulty in eating, foul taste in your mouth, receding gums, pockets between teeth and gums, shifting or loose teeth, and sensitive, red, or swollen gums. If you suffer from any of the signs mentioned above, you need to contact the dental specialists in Chicago for Periodontics treatment options they offer at Art of Modern Dentistry as soon as possible.
Dental Specialists Can Help with Your Gum Disease
A dental specialist specializes in Periodontic gum disease and provides several treatment options to help their patients enjoy healthy gums in the future. The treatment choices will vary per patient and can range from reconstructive surgery to non-surgical therapy. In most instances, this level of gum disease begins as the less damaging gingivitis. This is recognizable when your gums redden and swell. Frequently blood is seen during brushing, which is a warning sign that you are in need of treatment. Gingivitis is easily treatable and may reduce the risk of building to periodontitis, which has more damaging, symptoms, and sign effects.
Periodontic Dental Treatments Include:
- Professional Dental Cleanings
- Scaling and Root Planing
- Bone Grafts
- Pocket Reduction Surgery
- Soft Tissue Grafts
Take the Right Step in Fighting Gum Disease
Keep in mind that the sooner you notice the symptoms and signs of periodontitis and you receive professional assistance, the sooner you can receive the necessary treatment. Reducing the risk of developing severe symptoms can help in preventing tooth loss. You’re taking the right step in fighting gum disease when you schedule an appointment with dental specialists in Chicago for Periodontic dental treatments they provide. To know more information visit