Problems with your hydraulic system will ordinarily result in reduced efficiency and lower production. It is therefore imperative that you regularly inspect your machine to ensure full productivity of the system. Proactive maintenance of your hydraulic system entails routine examination, detection and correction of the problems that will otherwise cause the complete failure of the system. Here are some of the signs to look out for in determining whether you require a repair or replacement of & hydraulic cylinder in Chicago.
Abnormal noises
Abnormal noises are normally as a result of aeration, where air contaminates the hydraulic fluid. The frequent compression and decompression of air in the hydraulic fluid will normally produce banging and knocking noises as it circulates throughout the system. Air may also cause erratic actuator movements and formation of foam in the hydraulic liquid. If you realize that the hydraulic fluid contains air, it is essential that you seek expert advice since aeration will cause overheating and burning of seals and loss of lubrication, which will accelerate the degradation of the fluid as well as causing damage to the system components.
High fluid temperature
High fluid temperature is normally caused by such factors that either reduces the system’s capacity to dissipate heat or increase its heat load. Increased fluid temperatures will cause damage to the seals as well as accelerating the degradation of the hydraulic fluid. It is therefore important to monitor and maintain the reservoir fluid at the correct level, as well as inspecting the heat exchanger to ensure that the core is not blocked. You may want to engage a professional for this purpose.
Low performance
Reduction in the rate of your machine’s operation is a sure indication of problems that need to be addressed. This problem is usually caused by loss of the flow that ordinarily determines the actuator speed and response. Loss of flow is caused by external and internal leakage, which can occur in the pump, valves and actuators.
If you detect any of the above mentioned symptoms in your hydraulic system, it could be about time you sought repair or replacement of the hydraulic cylinder in Chicago. Contact Miller Hydraulic Service Inc. They provide the best hydraulic component repair among other services.