Should You Hire A Park Ridge Child Custody Attorney?

by | Jan 4, 2016 | Law

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There are different specializations within the general category of family law. Most of the top family law attorneys have the experience, expertise and specialized training to be able to provide representation in all aspects of a divorce, including working as a child custody attorney.

Parents in Park Ridge going through a divorce, or when changes occur after the divorce that impact the children, may find that a child custody attorney is a specialization they require. However, even with this attorney in place working to resolve the issues before there is the need to return to court is in everyone’s best interests.

Issues to Consider

When parents are on the same page with regards to the raising of the children prior to the divorce and during the divorce proceedings a child custody attorney is not usually required.

Most of these parents will work together to co-parent after the divorce, providing a quality, loving experience for the children to continue to have a relationship with both parents.

When situations change, including the move of a parent to a more distant location, a change in the parent’s ability to care for the child or children or issues of concern for the safety of the children when with a parent, a child custody attorney needs to be involved.

The Involvement of the Courts

It may be possible to work with the other parent in mediation to modify the child custody order. In cases where the parent may not be fit to care for the children, or if there are other people involved in the other parent’s life that are unsafe, the court will typically need to be involved to develop new orders or to move forward with the termination of parental rights.

Having an experienced Park Ridge child custody attorney involved at this point is essential. It is important to demonstrate to the court that it is not in the best interests of the child or children to continue on with the contact with the other parent. This can include the testimony of expert witnesses, home evaluations and other types of evidence gathering.

In addition, a child custody attorney can also assist a parent in a modification of the child support orders to reflect current situations. This can include if a parent fails to pay ordered child support or if there has been an increase or decrease in the amount of income the parent ordered to pay experiences.

An experienced and compassionate child custody attorney is an important part of your legal team when the current co-parenting arrangement is no longer working or safe for your children. To learn how we can help at Gordon & Perlut, LLC visit us at

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