Save money when making your move

by | Nov 6, 2014 | Transportation

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Moving is not only stressful, it is expensive. Of course when moving from one place to another it will not be possible for you to cut costs on every aspect of the move but there are enough small things that you can take into account that will help save some expenses when hiring moving companies in Ottawa Ontario or renting a truck to make your own move.

Before you do anything when you know you must move, attempt to calculate as closely as possible the least expensive option; move yourself or hire a skilled moving company. You may think the answer is pretty obvious but you may be surprised, a lot has to do on the distance between your moving points and the amount of time you have available to make the move. The cost of fuel and one-way rental is significant; don’t just assume that moving yourself is the answer.

If it works out that hiring moving companies in Ottawa Ontario is the best approach to your move there are a number of ways that you can pare the cost of the move.

  • Pare the load: Everyone has the tendency to keep things around for no good reason. Before you move get rid of things that you have accumulated and really don’t need. Have a garage sale, give things away to friends and neighbours or donate to a worthy charity. In moving, the heavier the load the more cost.

  • Off season move: If you can move at any time other than school summer holidays and the first and last weeks of any month. All other times are slack for movers so you can often cut a deal.

  • Be flexible: You can often get a better rate if you can allow the movers to pick up and deliver at a time which is convenient to them. If you can accommodate their time window you can often get a better rate, what is important to you is the dates of moving out and in, not necessarily the hour.

  • Costs for services: There are many different types of charges that can factor into a move. Make sure you get the moving companies in Ottawa Ontario to line item the quotation; there are usually costs that can be avoided, if you know what they are.

  • Immediate move in: It is important that your new home is available when the movers arrive; also make sure you are ready with the full payment. If the house isn’t ready or the payment isn’t complete this can lead to in-transit storage fees.

With a little bit of thought and pre-planning you can find ways to reduce the cost of your move.

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