Reasons to Consult Experienced Maritime Lawyers in West Palm Beach, FL

by | Jun 24, 2021 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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Maritime law covers injuries, accidents and other legal disputes when the incident occurs over the open waters. When this happens, it may be necessary to consult with experienced maritime lawyers in West Palm Beach, FL. These dedicated attorneys can assist with legal personal injury claims, disputes regarding contracts or insurance, wrongful death claims, vessel defect issues and more.

Personal Injury Claims Following Events on Boats, in Shipyards & at Sea

When an accident happens on a boat that is out to sea or within a shipyard, the injured victims often are unaware of the specifics of maritime law and whether they can sue for damages. Owners of commercial boats, seafaring cruises and others often need appropriate insurance following a significant weather-related event. These cases are just some of the average types of cases that seasoned maritime lawyers from West Palm Beach, FL, handle on a regular basis.

There Are Both State & Federal Level Commercial Maritime Case Histories

Like any court of law, maritime law must be based on other previously established legal statutes and case histories. There are both state and federal-level commercial-related maritime case studies that a maritime lawyer must be knowledgeable about. Some cases come under the umbrella of Admiralty and Maritime-related regulatory governing bodies.

Find a Dedicated Maritime Attorney Near West Palm Beach in FL

Both private citizens and commercial business owners/employees should discuss the specifics of their case with a maritime attorney. Contact Janssen, Siracusa & Keegan PLLC at Sitename.

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