Reasons for Maintenance and Cleansing of Septic Tanks

by | Jan 18, 2022 | Construction & Maintanance

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Periodical maintenance and cleaning of septic tank is necessary for prevalence of hygiene in a domestic environment. Each septic tank has a specific disposal limit, when this limit is exceeded; there are chances of the waste to overflow. This can be prevented through periodical inspection and cleaning of the septic tank. You should hire septic tank services near Covington to inspect the conditions of your septic tank and opt for remedial measures accordingly. There are some specific reasons to why maintenance and cleaning of septic tank stands necessary.

Why septic tanks should be cleansed occasionally

Controls flow of waste

Usually solid wastes are deposited at the bottom of the tank and this layer is decomposed gradually. However, it often depends on the flow of wastes, if the wastes flows faster than the absorption rate of septic tank, then more layers of wastes are formed at the bottom of the tank, prior to the complete deposition of the below layers.

The lightweight materials float on the upper surface of the tank and is termed as sludge. When the layers of waste at the bottom rise up the sludge layers reach the surface of the tank near the lead. Therefore, occasional pumping is necessary to release the bottom layers of waste, so that liquids can penetrate easily and the sludge layers do not reach to the upper surface.

Resist breed of flies

A cleansed septic tank will resist the breed of mosquitoes and flies; these arthropods seek stagnant covered areas for breeding and septic tanks certainly meet these features. If the tank is cleansed, then mosquitoes and flies will not find it appropriate to breed inside. The weeds around the tank have to be removed to allow a clear passageway. Sometimes, due to heavy pressure of waste flow, cracks might develop on the concrete walls of the tank, which may leak the wastes out. Therefore, you should always keep a check on the physical conditions of your septic tank by hiring a septic tanks cleaning and inspection services near Covington periodically.

Importance of Professionals

You should not opt to cleanse the tank by yourself; getting inside or leaning over the tank might prove dangerous. Special safety uniforms are to be put on during the cleansing procedures and the process is to be conducted with suitable tools and implements. If you are not trained in this, then your better call the plumbing service persons to do the needful for you. A cleansed septic tank will depict a hygienic atmosphere in your domestic area.

If you leave the tank dirty, the pungent odor of methane gas may hamper your healthy living. These tanks are linked with sewage drainage through pipes; even these pipes are to be inspected as sometimes due to heavy pressure of waste flow, cracks are developed on these pipes. You should hire a reliable septic tank cleaning service in your city; they will inspect the underlying conditions of the tank first and then clean it suing special implements. The cleaning methods often vary with a difference in the physical properties of different septic tanks.

Contact Liberty Plumbing, if you need septic tank services near Covington. Visit to learn more about maintenance and cleansing of septic tanks.

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