Protect Yourself After a Car Accident in Vandalia OH

by | Aug 22, 2014 | Lawyers & Law Firms

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Protecting yourself after an accident is crucial. If you are not at fault for the accident, you need to make sure you do all you can, so you will be able to get the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. This information will help to prepare you, should you ever be involved in a Car Accident Vandalia OH.

  • First, assess your injuries. If they are life-threatening, call 911 and get medical help right away. You could have internal injuries and bleeding that need to be addressed as soon as possible. Never delay getting necessary medical care. Your life could depend on it.
  • If your injuries are not life-threatening, you need to contact the police and report the accident. The police will come to the scene and draw up a report on how the accident occurred. You will give a statement to the police, and so will the other driver. The police will determine fault in the accident and write up a report on what caused it. Make sure you do not move your vehicle until the police have completed the report and dismissed you.
  • Never sign any documents unless it is for the police. After your Car Accident Vandalia OH, it is in your best interest to hire an attorney to represent you. Even if you feel the process for your accident claim is going smoothly, you may want to consider hiring an attorney, so your rights can be protected. Your attorney can work with the insurance company, to try and get you a proper compensation package. If the insurance company does not want to pay on your claim, a court case can be filed.
  • Finally, protect yourself by avoiding talking about the accident with the other driver or any other party outside of your lawyer or insurance company. This will help you to avoid making statements that could cause you to lose out on your right to pursue compensation.

If you are involved in a Car Accident Vandalia OH, contact Shipman Dixon & Livingston Co. L.P.A. They will help you through your case and work to get you the compensation you deserve for your injuries and damages. Visit us website for more information.

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