Preparing for a Meeting with Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Lawyers in Topeka, KS

by | Apr 22, 2020 | Articles

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With rising consumer prices; interest rates; unemployment; and underemployment, many people are finding themselves in serious debt. Trying to repay old debts while spending money on daily living expenses at the same time can cause a person to have more money going out than coming in. To rectify this, many people file for bankruptcy. This is a legal status that serves to help a person resolve their debt. Many people file for Chapter 13 bankruptcy, which allows for a repayment of all or part of a debt-load. To make this process easier, many people consult with Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers in Topeka, KS. The following guidelines will help a person prepare for an initial appointment with these professionals.

When meeting with Chapter 13 bankruptcy lawyers in Topeka, KS, a person should arrive about 15 minutes early with all their documents organized and ready to show the lawyer. It’s advisable to have all your documents organized into folders, with each folder clearly labelled. You can use tabs within folders to further organize your material. Some of the information to bring includes the most current copy of every bill you owe, your three most current pay stubs, copies of tax returns for the last two years, and current bank account statements.

It’s a good idea to make a few lists. One list should include all bills you owe. Ensure that you include all present and past bills, including debt from credit cards you have not used in years. List all the assets you have, including your home, cars, jewelry, and boats. Estimate how much each of these is worth, and write the figure next to the asset on the list.

Ensure that you completely fill out all client forms. Some information you will give includes your name, address, driver’s license number, and social security number. You will also need the social security numbers of children living with you, even if you don’t claim these children on your taxes.

Filing for bankruptcy can be simplified when you prepare for an initial meeting with a bankruptcy lawyer. By filling out all questionnaires and bringing the appropriate documents to your first meeting, you will have a better chance of having a positive outcome on your case. For more information, please get in touch with a professional at John R. Hooge Attorney at Law, PA.

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