PCOS Treatment That Can Relieve Suffering

by | Jun 17, 2016 | Health

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, or PCOS, is a complex illness with a number of symptoms that can strike a woman of any reproductive age. Specifically, polycystic ovaries are dysfunctional ovaries that contain many cysts and follicles that only rarely grow to maturity. PCOS also involves insulin resistance in the body. This means that glucose remains in the body for longer periods of time and causes a number of symptoms, including the following:

  • Irregular menses: Because ovulation may be less frequent in a woman with PCOS, menstruation can occur less regularly. In some women, there are no periods at all as a result of this condition.

  • Decreased fertility: Because of the cysts on the ovaries and the fact that follicles rarely mature to a fertile stage, women with PCOS may experience difficulty conceiving.

  • Alopecia: In this condition, women lose hair in much the same way that a man would experience balding. This may be due to increased testosterone in the body caused by insulin resistance.

  • Hair growth: Even though alopecia is a symptom of PCOS, hair growth may increase in other areas of the body, including facial hair. The increase in androgens like testosterone in the body is thought to be the leading cause of this.

  • Decreased libido: A decrease in sex drive is often experienced.

  • Acne: The increase in male androgens causes acne in those with PCOS.

  • Obesity: The increase in glucose levels in the body means that the liver converts more of it to fats.

  • Mood: Without PCOS treatment, mood swings, anxiety, and depression can all be experienced. This may lead to the use of mood stabilizing or anti-depression drugs.

Many doctors misdiagnose PCOS. It is important to check your symptoms, have regular health check-ups, and locate resources if you think you have PCOS. Help is at hand, and with the right support, some of the many symptoms can be alleviated and even reversed.

It is vital to get on top of PCOS and treat the root of the problem. It is important for women to know that there are online resources empowering women with PCOS to transform their lives. At sites like Website domain, people are welcome to the largest and most complete PCOS web portal in the world!

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