Do You Need a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton, WA?

by | Aug 14, 2014 | Law, Lawyer

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There are many reasons that you might need a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton WA. A vehicle accident is one thing that most people think of when they think of needing a lawyer. It is commonly thought that a lawyer is the only way to keep the insurance company from taking advantage of you. In many cases, that is true. However, that is not the only case that you would benefit from speaking with an attorney.

The thought of working with an attorney tends to be overlooked when you are dealing with a workers compensation or disability issue. In many cases, this is because you don’t really think about the company that you work for as being against you. Perhaps you have been working for that company for many years, or are close to retirement. However, it is still true that if you are injured on the job, you are entitled to certain compensations. Just because you have been loyal to the company does not necessarily mean that the company is going to be loyal to you. An attorney can help ensure that you get everything that you are supposed to get under federal and state laws.

Typically, the company has (or at least is supposed to have) workers compensation insurance. That is who will pay for your medical bills and provide you with compensation while you are unable to work. Again, it is the insurance company that you have to worry about. Perhaps that will make you feel a little better about contacting a Personal Injury Attorney in Bremerton WA in such a case. It is understandable that you may feel that you are being disloyal to the company by even speaking with an attorney. Or you may feel that it will cause problems for your coworkers, many of whom may be your friends as well. However, you also need to consider yourself and your family. If you are unable to work, especially if you are disabled because of the accident, you still need to be able to provide for them. You can read the full info here, but a personal injury lawyer can help make sure that you and your family are taken care of. Usually, there is not even any cost to you, as their payment will come out of your settlement.

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