A business often has many different kinds of doors for many different purposes. There are interior doors that need to help you separate different parts of the building or separate different offices. Office doors are often wooden doors. In some cases, they’re made of uPVC or synthetic material. Their main purpose is to provide some privacy and to help insulate the building somewhat, but they probably aren’t doors focused on security. However, the exterior doors need to be focused on stability and security, and they also need to be able to withstand the pressures of the weather.
Focused on Security
Your exterior doors need to protect you from intruders as well as from the dangers of a storm. When there are strong winds, the debris flying in the wind can be just as dangerous as any intruder. They can smash windows and damage doors. That’s why you need a metal door; however, it also needs to be lightweight. If the door is too heavy, it will be difficult to open and close, and it will place strain on the hinges. Commercial hollow metal doors are strong and resilient because they’re made of metal, but they are lightweight because they’re hollow.
The Weather
The weather is a constant danger to your exterior doors. Even if the storms are not particularly strong, the weather can adversely affect the way your doors hold up. They are exposed constantly to sun and rain. Sun tends to bleach a door and dry out the materials. That’s very dangerous for a wooden door but not for commercial hollow metal doors. Rain is a danger for wooden doors as well. However, as long as you keep the door painted, it shouldn’t be a problem. You can find great doors if you visit us website You can also follow them on Twitter for more information.