The homepage on your website can be the first point of contact that a potential customer might have with your business. Thinking about it like that, you might want to consider just how interesting and helpful your homepage is. Take a look at it and see if it has a welcoming feel, a clean and professional appearance, whether all the text is set correctly and spelled properly, whether the images are all laid out correctly and if it is helpful with all the links that take you to other areas of the site. There is more to consider than you might initially realize.
Having that little bit of experience in browsing the web, you might also have an opinion on what you consider to be an interesting site. Think about your favorite websites and what traits they share. Maybe they have an FAQ section, perhaps they have a photo gallery with their work well showcased, and perhaps they have easy to follow links and good colors on their site, as well as a clean and easy to read font. Whatever traits your favorite websites share you should probably look at emulating, without directly copying, their ideas. A company that offers web design in Fargo might offer you the option of designing your new website so that it looks catchy and professional without costing you a great deal of money. Small businesses tend to have lower budgets for marketing and some have to do most of their marketing from an in-house perspective so that they can keep down the cost of hiring outside help.
Improve on your Current Page
What does your current homepage look like? Are happy with it or do you feel it could do with some improvement? Perhaps your current homepage doesn’t reflect the nature of your business. It might tell people what you do but it doesn’t tell them who you are and how you like to conduct business. Many it tells people that you are professional but it might not tell them just how much you love your work and how you like to feel proud of each job you complete. Saying something about you as a person is very important, as well as giving information about the business.