Looking for House Painting in Fairfield County CT?

by | May 15, 2013 | Home Improvement

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It may be tempting to attempt to paint one’s entire home as a do-it-yourself project. While it can be done, a Exterior House Painting Fairfield County CT service should be considered. Many homeowners hire painting contractors in order to ensure a satisfactory result. When hiring a service to paint a home, it pays to keep several thoughts in mind.

Contact at least three different companies and ask for them to examine your home and to provide an estimate. Potential contractors can be found via an online search, or from the recommendation of family and/or friends. Take a look at past work, if possible, or at least ask for some references to check out tthe owner’s experiences. Investigate Better Business Bureau ratings if they are available.

Be sure to thoroughly explain expectations concerning the job. A number of factors go into a quality paint job. The best work involves preparing surfaces for new coats of paint. This means that old paint layers must be removed, otherwise some unevenness may occur. This extra work will cost more, but the results look much better in the long run. You should choose the paint yourself, and select the best that you can afford.

Make note of how long it takes each contractor to assess your home. It takes a bit more than a quick trip around the home to obtain an accurate estimate. The estimates should be provided in writing, with breakdowns of the cost of materials, the brand names of the paint, how many coats are to be applied, the surface area to be painted, and the rate for labor. Once a contractor is hired, make sure to write up a contract that makes a clear distinction of what is included in the job, and what is not. The contact information and license number for the contractor should be clear, and the estimate added. Make sure to obtain copies of the company’s worker’s compensation and liability insurance certificates in order to protect yourself in case an accident occurs on your property.

Make sure to ask for a guarantee concerning the work. House Painting Fairfield County CT services should be willing to come back and fix issues with chips, peeling, and other workmanship issues for at least a two-year time period. Most good paint also has a warranty.

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