Most of the households in Long Island still rely on cesspools to take care of their waste products, such as human feces, urine and household waste products. Long Island doesn’t have a ‘city drainage and sewer’ system that most other cities in the United States have. Because Long Island is a ‘stand-alone’ area it is not able to directly benefit from sewage systems that are usually laid under the major cities and head toward treatment plants and sanitation areas.
One of the major issues is that most of homes that do have cesspools are prone to chronic collapse. The cesspools are likely to be very antiquated and made from old and collapsing concrete. There have been many recently documented incidents where people have been trapped inside collapsed cesspools. The most recent documented incident was in June of 2011 when two teenagers—both from Long Island—drowned in a cesspool sixteen feet deep. They had become overwhelmed by fumes. A previous incident in 2010, one in 2009, 2007 and another in 2001 illustrate just how important it is to maintain cesspools and cesspits to prevent collapse, clogging and blockages. The cause of most chronic occurrences of collapsing cesspools is the concrete that rots because of the age of the pit. Everything breaks down over time, but concrete becomes weakened and because the pit is essentially a cylindrical shape, the concrete disintegrates into the pit and finally the land around it falls into the hole. This can affect a large area of a person’s property depending on the size of the original cesspool.
Keeping your Cesspool in Good Working Order
Nowadays, most of the new style of cesspools are constructed from cast concrete so that they can add greater strength to the surrounding area and prevent the pit from collapsing inward. Older models were made from cinderblocks which would eventually break down and disintegrate, causing the collapse. The precast pits are far more reliable and they are also commonly used in the construction of commercial sewers for rain water and storm water collection. Cleaning your cesspool using a cesspool service in Long Island can help your system last for many years. Keeping it regularly maintained leads to longevity of the system and lower costs.
For a professional cesspool service in Long Island, contact for a list of all things drain related that they offer and their prices.