Liquid Nicotine Comes In Different Flavors

by | Dec 20, 2013 | Shopping

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Nicotine is one of the major ingredients in cigarettes. It is not necessary to actually smoke though to get nicotine into your system; it can be purchased as a patch, as chewing gum and liquid. Liquid nicotine is often used in electronic cigarettes. The liquid form is available in a wide range of electronic cigarette flavors and is taken into the body in the form of a vapor, not smoke.

There is well over 100 different flavors available, they range from mocha, mint and menthol to the flavor of Marlboro cigarettes and Newport menthol cigarettes. The flavors are purchases in cartridge form; it is the cartridge that is put into the battery which delivers the flavor as a vapor.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming a very popular alternative to real cigarettes. In almost every jurisdiction it is not longer legal to smoke in closed public places, this includes bars; taverns and pubs where many people would enjoy to light up inside rather than step outside to smoke. The electronic cigarette is not banned anywhere as it does not deliver smoke, the contents of the cartridge which includes the electronic cigarette flavors is simply delivered to the smoker as a vapor which is not offensive to others.

Liquid nicotine has other applications as well, it is used in nicotine chewing gum and nicotine patches. These products are not used for enjoyment as is an E Cig; they are used when a person is attempting to ditch the smoking habit. There is no doubt that smoking tobacco is an addictive practice, people are finding that it is difficult to quit because they don’t know what to do with their hands, when using the non-nicotine flavored cartridges in the electronic cigarette this problem is solved and quitting can actually be accomplished.

Liquid nicotine which is the base of electronic cigarette flavors is specially formulated for this use. Liquid nicotine that is used for any other purpose is highly restricted and only medical professionals can access it. Pure nicotine can have serious side effects and its use must be monitored by a physician. The amount used for electronic cigarettes is closely controlled, ensuring that there are no undesirable side effects and that the flavor is delivered satisfactorily.


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