Learning About the Liability Requirement for a Motorcycle Insurance Policy in Austin TX

by | Aug 4, 2016 | Insurance

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When someone buys a motorcycle for the first time, this individual also needs to buy a Motorcycle Insurance Policy in Austin TX. The new motorcycle owner likely understands the need for coverage in case an uninsured driver causes an accident. Sufficient insurance also will pay for medical care and repairs or replacement for the bike if the person ever gets into an accident not involving another vehicle. That might involve trying to avoid hitting an animal in the road or losing control on a slippery stretch of road. This person may not understand the state’s requirement for liability coverage in motorcycle insurance. It may seem very improbable that a motorcyclist would ever cause a collision with another vehicle, since people always hear about the opposing scenario. Nevertheless, this does occur sometimes, and the motorcyclist holds the financial responsibility.

How does a motorcyclist cause an accident with another vehicle? Unfortunately, some riders drink alcohol before getting on the bike and heading out on the road. That can lead them to make risky moves or to miscalculate a vehicle’s distance away. In fact, this is one of the most prevalent factors in single-motorcycle accidents.

On occasion, a motorcyclist may be distracted by something such as a hornet landing on his or her clothing or an interesting sight off the road. This person may not see a car or truck approaching from the side or may veer over into a different lane. Motorcyclists have been known to become impatient in congested traffic and to start driving between two lanes, which becomes hazardous once the bigger vehicles start moving again. There may be no place for the biker to safely get back into the moving traffic. Motorcyclists speeding through residential areas or across city crosswalks may strike a pedestrian.

A Motorcycle Insurance Policy in Austin TX covers liability for someone else’s injuries and any property damage that has been caused. An independent agency such as Perdue Insurance Group can provide details on policies from a variety of insurers. The state has specific minimum requirements for liability, but the customer may want higher coverage if he or she has significant assets that could be lost in a lawsuit.

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