What You Should Know About a Notary Bond in Arizona

by | Sep 1, 2017 | Financial Services

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In Arizona, notaries provide legal assistance for anyone who needs a notarized signature on their legal documents. Notaries manage a variety of legal documents. Their signature presents a legal bond for the document. This legalizes the document and could present the option for legal action in some instances. However, for this reason, the notary needs a surety bond to mitigate risks. The following is information about a notary bond in Arizona.

What Exactly Is a Bond?

The bond for a notary provides legal assurance and risk management. This protects any individual who acquires a notary’s signature. It lowers the risk of complications that can arise if any of the details are incorrect and prevents an individual from suffering a loss due to fraud or any unethical practices. The individual can file a form to acquire any changes they need based on common errors.

Why Is the Bond Needed?

The bond stops a major financial loss for the notary. If for any reason the notary public is guilty of fraud or unethical practices, the bond ensures that the customer receives a full reimbursement for their financial losses. This stops the customer from filing a legal claim against the notary public. A legal claim could lead to a major loss for the notary, and it could lead to a loss of their license. The bond itself could present the notary public with a fee. The fee could range between $1,000 and $15,000. This depends on the type of work that is performed by the notary.

Is the Bond Insurance?

No, the surety bond for the notary public is not insurance. The notary won’t file an insurance claim when an issue arises. The notary can acquire assistance through the bond when a customer has a viable legal claim against them.

In Arizona, a notary public legalizes documents for businesses, individuals, and the court. Their signature makes the document legal and binding. This makes the document legally actionable under certain circumstances. A bond is provided to protect against errors that lead to a legal claim against the notary. Notaries that need to acquire a notary bond in Arizona can check out website name for more information right now.

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