Keeping Floors Looking Great With Easy Steps for Tile Maintenance

by | Mar 16, 2022 | Tiles / Tools

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After installing floor tile, homeowners must keep up with simple maintenance to prevent dirt from becoming embedded in the grout or the tile itself. Special cleaning products are available to remove grime and stains that develop. Polish also can be purchased if the household residents want the floor to shine. Following a few routine tile maintenance steps makes sure the floors continue looking great.

Sweeping or Dry Mopping

Sweeping or dry mopping the floor can be done every day or two to. This removes dirt tracked in from outside as well as everyday dust. Ideally, people will leave their shoes at the door, but that guideline isn’t always easy to enforce. In addition, pets can track dirt into the home as well.

For tile maintenance, people should use a fluffy mop or a broom with soft bristles. Straw brooms should not be used on tile because they can scratch the material. Another scratch-prevention method is putting soft coasters under furniture legs or attaching rubber leg caps.

Floor Washing

Kitchen floors sometimes develop greasy residue. Households can remove this with a blend of warm water and white vinegar. The entire floor could benefit from a vinegar and water cleaning. The ratio should be 1/2 c. of vinegar to 1 gallon of water.

Many people like to wet mop tile floors every week or two so that they always look sparkling clean. Some men and women wash the bathroom floors at least once a week for germ removal purposes. A commercial tile and grout cleaner can be used as needed.

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